
Abstract A systematic MO-theoretical description of electronic structures of tricentric bisdesmiphiles in the ground state is presented in response to contradictory arguments on the biradical character of the species by Huisgen, Firestone, and others. The approximately spin-projected but size-consistent (AP) UHF and UMP methods remedy artifact arising from the spin contamination effect involved in the singlet UHF and UMP wavefunctions, giving reasonable a different-orbitals-for-different-spins (DODS) MO description for oxygenated dipoles such as O3 and CH2OO and 1,3-biradicals without octet stabilization such as OCH2O and CH2CH2CH2. The RHF method provides well-accepted MO description for diszonimum and nitrilium betaines having little biradical character, and the RMP method works well even for species with weak biradical character. They are successfully applied to calculating relative energies between nonradical ring- and biradical open-forms of tricentric species, singlet–triplet energy gaps of tricentric biradicals, and high- and low-spin energy gaps of polyradicals constructed of 1,3-biradical units. Reliability of the projected UHF and UMP scheme for biradical species was confirmed by the complete active space (CAS) configuration interaction (CI) by the use of UHF natural orbitals (UNO). The UNO CASCI calculations are also carried out both for the ground and excited of 1,3-biradicals. The energy gradient technique based on UNO CASSCF is applied to the full geometry optimizations of tricentric systems, followed by the UNO CASSCF MP2 calculations for dynamical correlation corrections. On the other hand, the UNO MR SDCI method by the use of the UNO CASCI reference gives a well-balanced MO-theoretical description of the ground and excited states. Comparisons of different definitions of biradical character are given in relation to theoretical explanations of 1,3-dipoles and 1,3-dipolar reactions. It is shown that the present MO-theoretical description based on both delocalized and localized natural orbitals is wholly compatible with experimental data obtained by Huisgen and others.

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