
Aim. To evaluate associations of ischemic heart disease (CHD), traditional risk factors (RF) and inflammatory biomarkers with all-cause and cardiovascular (CVD) mortality in the population aged 55 years or older. Material and methods. The results were obtained from the prospective cohort study “Stress, aging and health inRussia”. The population based sample of 1,876 Muscovites aged 55 years and older were enrolled. Traditional RF, inflammation biomarkers and type of CHD were included into analysis. CHD, “definite” and “possible” defined based on ECG criteria of Minnesota Code and angina pectoris algorithm from Rose questionnaire. Mean follow-up time was 7,05 years, and 411 deaths (247 death from CVD) were identified. Statistical analysis was performed using the statistical package SAS. Results. All-cause and CVD mortality increased from 15% and 8,2% in patients without CHD to 32,2% and 22,1% in those with evidence of definite CHD. The proportion of CVD deaths in all-cause mortality was 60%. The cumulative risk of allcause and CVD mortality was higher in patients with definite CHD compared with those who did not have CHD or had possible CHD. After adjusting for age and sex and (definite) CHD, to the all-cause mortality model were selected high blood pressure (p=0,001), smoking (p=0,0001), low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (p=0,02) and total cholesterol (p=0,02), elevated levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (p=0,02) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) (p=0,007), and heart rate (HR) >80 per min (p=0,002). For CVD mortality significant risk factors were smoking (p=0,0001), high blood pressure (p=0,004), HR >80 per min (p=0,005) and IL-6 (p=0,005). Conclusions. Definite CHD and risk factors were significantly associated with allcause and CVD mortality in the population aged 55 years or older.


  • All-cause and CVD mortality increased from 15% and 8,2% in patients without CHD to 32,2% and 22,1% in those with evidence of definite CHD

  • Definite CHD and risk factors were significantly associated with allcause and CVD mortality in the population aged 55 years or older

  • Relations between several risk factors with the prevalence of coronary heart disease in men aged 40-59 years

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СМЕРТНОСТЬ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ 55 ЛЕТ И СТАРШЕ И ЕЕ АССОЦИАЦИИ С ИШЕМИЧЕСКОЙ БОЛЕЗНЬЮ СЕРДЦА, ТРАДИЦИОННЫМИ ФАКТОРАМИ РИСКА И МАРКЕРАМИ ВОСПАЛЕНИЯ: РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ ПРОСПЕКТИВНОГО КОГОРТНОГО ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ. Оценить ассоциации ишемической болезни сердца (ИБС), традиционных факторов риска (ФР) и маркеров воспаления с общей и сердечнососудист­ ой смертностью населения 55 лет и старше. Наряду с определенной ИБС выявлены достоверные независимые неблагоприятные ассоциации некоторых традиционных ФР и маркеров воспаления со смертностью населения 55 лет и старше. М.н., профессор, руководитель отдела эпидемиологии хронических неинфекционных заболеваний, Имаева А. Отдела эпидемиологии хронических неинфекционных заболеваний, Туаева Е. М. — аспирант отдела эпидемиологии хронических неинфекционных заболеваний, Баланова Ю. Лаборатории экономического анализа эпидемиологических исследований и профилактических технологий отдела эпидемиологии хронических неинфекционных заболеваний, Муромцева Г. Definite CHD and risk factors were significantly associated with allcause and CVD mortality in the population aged 55 years or older. Таблица 1 Смертность от всех причин и от ССЗ среди мужчин и женщин 55 лет и старше (кумулятивный %)

Смертность от всех причин
Смертность от ССЗ
Возможная ИБС Определенная ИБС
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