
Vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) thin films were deposited on well cleaned glass substrate using evaporation technique under the pressure of 10-5 Torr. The thickness of the films was measured by the multiple beam interferometry technique and cross checked by using capacitance method. Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) structure was fabricated by using suitable masks to study dielectric properties. The dielectric properties were studied by employing LCR meter in the frequency range 12 Hz to 100 kHz for various temperatures. The temperature co- efficient of permittivity (TCP), temperature co-efficient of capacitance (TCC) and dielectric constant (ɛ) were calculated. The activation energy was calculated and found to be very low. The activation energy was found to be increasing with increase in frequency. The obtained low value of activation energy suggested that the hopping conduction may be due to electrons rather than ions.

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