
The morphology, anatomy and reproduction (tetra/bisporic and male) of Lithothamnion japonicum Foslie was studied, using holotype material and materials collected from Korea. Lithothamnion japonicum is characterized based on the presence of encrusting, warty to fruticose thallus, branched or unbranched short and cylindrical protuberances, conical shaped spermatangial conceptacles, branched (dendroid) spermatangial systems formed on floor, walls, and roof of conceptacle chamber, cylindrical shaped spermatangial conceptacle canal, 9-10 cell layered spermatangial conceptacle roof, raised tetra/bisporangial conceptacles without rims, flattened tetra/ bisporangial conceptacle pore plate, 16-50 pores on each pore plate, 6-8 rosette cells surrounded by each pore, pore canal lining filaments composed of tetra/bisporangial conceptacle roof, and buried senescent tetra/bisporangial conceptacles completely infilled with relatively large and irregularly arranged calcified sterile cells. In this study, we report a new record of Lithothamnion japonicum from Korean coasts.

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