
Laurencia Lamouroux (Rhodophyta) was recently separated into three genera–Laurencia, Chondrophycus (Tokida et Saito) Garbary et Harper and Osmundea Stackhouse – each of which was newly defined based on vegetative and reproductive structures. In this study, the previously unknown vegetative and reproductive morphology of two Australian endemic species of Laurencia, L. clavata Sonder and L. elata (C. Agardh) Harvey, was studied, particularly in the context of the revised generic delineation. These species exhibit vegetative axes with four pericentral cells and trichoblast-type spermatangial development. Tetrasporangia are abaxially produced from the existing third and fourth pericentral cells. L. clavata has terete thalli with distinctive verticillate branching and is similar to Chondria C. Agardh, rather than to Laurencia, in having an unusually marked constriction at the base of the branches and starch accumulation in subcortical and medullary cells. Compared to Laurencia, apical cells of this species exh...

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