
A new hypotrichous ciliate, Schmidtiella ultrahalophila gen. nov., spec. nov., was isolated from a solar saltern on the island of Sal, Cape Verde. The possession of only one short dorsal kinety clearly distinguishes S.ultrahalophila from other known hypotrichous genera and species. Further diagnostic characters include: a flexible and slender body, an average size of 85×15μm invivo; a bipartite adoral zone with two hypertrophied frontal adoral membranelles and nine to twelve ventral adoral membranelles; three frontal, one parabuccal, two frontoventral, two or three postoral ventral, and two or three frontoterminal cirri; and marginal cirral rows variable in number, usually one on each side. Ontogenetic data indicate the following: the frontal-ventral cirri originate from six or five anlagen; the proter inherits the parental adoral zone; the frontal and ventral cirri originate from five or six anlagen; and the marginal cirral rows and the dorsal kinety tend to originate intrakinetally. Additional marginal rows are rarely derived from de novo anlagen. Based on its morphology, morphogenesis and its SSU rRNA phylogenetic placement, the new species should be assigned to the order Sporadotrichida Fauré-Fremiet, 1961. Due to low taxon sampling, however, its exact position in this order remains enigmatic.

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