
Rhizomorphs of sixteen species of Basidiomycetes were examined and graded into four groups: (i) largely undifferentiated ( Hymenogaster luteus, Merulius lacrymans ) ; (2) showing zones of similar hyphae arranged differently ( Hymeno-gaster tener, Collybia platyphylla ) ; (3) showing zones of hyphae of different sizes ( Flammula sapinea, Crucibulum vulgare, Cyathus striatus, Psalliota campestris, P. arvensis, Phallus impudicus, Hysterangium nephriticum ) ; and (4) some of the hyphae with thickened walls ( Lycoperdon pyriforme, L. gemmatum, Armillaria mellea, Marasmius androsaceus ). Rhizomorphs of Armillaria mellea grow best at 25 ° C. in a humid atmosphere in the dark. The optimum H-ion concentration for their development is pH 5·6. The range over which rhizomorphs develop (pH 3·6–8·0) is slightly narrower than that permitting mycelial growth (pH 3·1–8·8). The ratio of carbon to nitrogen has an effect on rhizomorph formation comparable to that on the development of certain sclerotia; a ratio of three to five parts of glucose to one part of either peptone or asparagine is the most favourable.

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