
Introduction: Abnormalities in the development and site of insertion of the umbilical cord (UC) can cause problems which have the potential to affect maternal and fetal health. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the gross features of UC of singleton pregnancies and correlate it to the newborn parameters and maternal parameters at term. Materials and Methods: An observational, descriptive pilot study was carried out with 100 placentas. All ethical principles for human research were followed and ethical approval was obtained from the institutional ethics committee of the medical college from where data were collected. The inclusion criteria were the adequately preserved placenta with no gross abnormalities. Placenta belonging to hypertensive mothers and mothers with gestational diabetes were excluded. Results and Conclusion: The UC morphology was recorded and analyzed. Newborn parameters and maternal parameters were correlated to UC parameters. The present study statistics showed 53% placentas with central insertion, 36% eccentric insertion, 3% furcated and marginal insertions each, and 5% specimens with velamentous insertion. A correlation between the UC insertion site and birth weight was observed. Low birth weight was observed when the cord was inserted eccentrically. Further investigations are required among velamentous insertion to reach a conclusion for maternal blood group correlations.

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