
The localization of carbonic anhydrase by histochemistry, of Na-K-ATPase by immunocytochemistry and of rod-shaped intramembranous particles by freeze-fracture electron microscopy, was determined in the collecting duct of rabbits. In the cortical collecting duct (CCD), rod-shaped particles, which are abundant in intercalated cells were observed in both the apical and basolateral membrane of all intercalated cells examined. In the outer stripe of the outer medullary collecting duct (OMCDo) a high density of rod-shaped particles was found only in the apical membrane of intercalated cells. All cells of the inner stripe of the outer medullary collecting duct (OMCDi) had rod-shaped particles in the apical membrane but not in the basolateral membrane. As the collecting duct entered the inner medulla the density of rod-shaped particles decreased until they were virtually absent in the terminal segment. Na-K-ATPase, localized to the basolateral membrane, was more abundant in principal cells than in intercalated cells in the CCD. In the OMCDo, staining was equal in principal and intercalated cells. All cells of the OMCDi and the inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) stained for Na-K-ATPase. Carbonic anhydrase in the CCD was localized to the cell membranes and cytoplasm of intercalated cells. Principal cells did not stain for carbonic anhydrase. A similar pattern was seen in the OMCDo. In the outer region of the OMCDi most cells did not stain for carbonic anhydrase, whereas in the inner region the apical and lateral membranes of all cells stained for carbonic anhydrase. Weak cytoplasmic staining was occasionally seen. A similar pattern was seen in the initial half of the IMCD, while the terminal half of the IMCD did not stain. In this study, the localization of enzymes and rod-shaped intramembranous particles associated with Na+, K+, and H+ transport shows both segmental and cellular heterogeneity, and correlates with the known transport properties of tubule segments. The distribution of these enzymes and rod-shaped intramembranous particles is different in rabbits and rats, and may explain some of the functional differences between homologous segments in these species.

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