
To characterize recombinant AAV2 (rAAV2)-mediated expression of L132C/T159C ChR2 mutant in retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) of young adult cynomolgus monkeys. rAAV2 vectors carrying a fusion construct of the ChR2 mutant and GFP (ChR2-GFP) were delivered to the vitreous chamber by intravitreal injection. Expression patterns of the ChR2 mutant in RGCs were examined by immunohistochemical methods three months after injection. The RNA-binding protein with multiple splicing (RBPMS) was used as an RGC specific marker to differentiate RGCs from other retinal neurons and non-neuronal cells. The numbers of RBPMS+ and GFP+ double-labeled RGCs in the central foveal varied with the eccentricity. The expression peaked within 100 μm from the edge of the foveola and drastically decreased to a single superficial RGC layer approximately 300 μm from the edge. On average, the ratio of the double-labeled RGCs versus RBPMS+ RGCs approached 0.32±0.15 (n=14 fields) at the central foveal region (0.1 to 0.53 mm). We observed that the ratio reached 0.78±0.16 (n=21 fields) at peripheral retinal locations (eccentricity >7 mm). This investigation demonstrates that RBPMS could serve as a valuable RGC specific marker for future investigations in this field.

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