
Fungi are common organisms in natural forests as well as human-made ecosystem such as botanical gardens. Likewise forest, botanical gardens provide lignocellulose substrates and other organic media for fungi to grow and develop especially fungal species which belong to class Agaricomycetes. Regarding those roles, it is necessary to do more research on fungal exploration in Indonesia to provide taxonomy and diversity on fungi which belong to Agaricomycetes. This research is conducted to study Agaricomycetes fungi in Kuningan Botanical Garden based on their macroscopic morphology. The fungal collection was conducted in July 2017. Fungal samples were collected from four sampling areas, then the samples were identified based on morphology such as the character of cap, stalk, gill, veil, and spore print. Based on morphological observation, fungal samples found in botanical garden were grouped in to twelve families, i.e./namely: Polyporaceae, Ganodermataceae, Stereaceae, Sclerodermataceae, Russulaceae, Schizophyllaceae, Auriculariaceae, Amanitaceae, Tricholomataceae, Irpicaceae, Auriculariaceae, and Agaricaceae. The fungal genera that were identified are: Auricularia, Scleroderma, Collybia, Russula, Stereum, Lycoperdon, Schizophyllum, Coprinellus, Limacella, Lentinus and Leucopaxillus.

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