
The morphological characterization was carried out for 5 isolates of Trichoderma harzianum and 7 isolates of Trichoderma viride and tested for their biocontrol efficacy. The isolates belonging to T.harzianum were analogous in colony colour, culture smell, mycelial colour, conidiation, conidial shape, conidial wall and conidial colour. Correspondingly the isolates of T.viride showed certain similarity in colony colour, colony edge, culture smell, conidiophore branching, conidial wall, conidial colour and chlamydospores. Inter specific differences through cluster analysis based on morphological characters grouped the twelve isolates into three major clusters where all the isolates of T.harzianum formed a single cluster while the isolates of T.viride were bifurcated into two groups. The clustering was substantiated by similarity index which showed maximum similarity among T.harzianum isolates with only less than 20% variation among themselves. Similarly the clusters having isolates of T.viride also had less variation within them. The biocontrol efficacy of these twelve isolates of Trichoderma was experimented by dual culture test under laboratory condition and there existed some relation between the biocontrol efficacy of these isolates and morphology.

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