
The osteological development of elements comprising the oral cavity and fins was examined in early stage larvae of laboratory-reared milkfish,Chanos chanos, from hatching to 200 hours after hatching. Fundamental elements of the oral cavity had developed by the time of initial mouth opening, 54 hours after hatching. The oral cavity was long and cylindrical, with a short, robust Meckel's cartilage, and robust quadrate and symplectic-hyomandibular cartilages. The initial ossification of existing elements and addition of new elements occurred between 120–146 hours after initial mouth opening (HAMO), whereas the cartilaginous basihyal and caudal fin-supports appeared at 37.5 and 61.5 HAMO, respectively. Based on the morphology and developmental patterns of characters examined in this study, the feeding mode of early stage larval milkfish was considered to be “straining,” with an improvement in feeding ability occurring between 120–146 HAMO.

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