
Background: Medicine has evolved after a lot of trial and error practices. Ayurveda is a life science which is meant for well-being of all living creature. The medicinal importance of wide range of plants has been recorded in Ayurveda, but some plants which are found later or exotic are not mentioned in Ayurveda, they are named as Anukta which means untold. Ethnobotany is the branch of botany which deals with the study of relationship between people and plants. Passiflora foetida Linn. is an extra pharmacopeial drug in Ayurveda, which is used by folklore and traditional healers for various ailments like hysteria, skin disease, asthma, headache, for poisonous bites, digestive complaints etc. Methodology: Pharmacognostic, physico-chemical, preliminary phytochemical study and HPTLC studies were carried out following standard procedures mentioned in Pharmacopoeias. Results: Pharmacognostic study revealed macromicroscopic features of the plant. Physicochemical studies gave information about the moisture content, total ash, acid insoluble ash, water soluble ash, alcohol soluble extractive and water soluble extractive. Preliminary phytochemical evaluation of alcoholic extract revealed the presence of phenols, alkaloids and resins. HPTLC study revealed the fingerprint of extract of the plant sample. Conclusion: The results obtained from the studies will help in the standardisation of the plant material.

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