
Forest clove (Zyzygium aromaticum) is a type of wild clove found in Moluccas. The increasing interest of farmers in cultivating this plant leads to complete their information of morpho-agronomical characteristics which could provide diversity reflecting morpho-agronomical their distribution areas. This study aimed to characterize the morpho-agronomical traits of Forest clove plants in Moluccas. By survey, Forest clove more than 15 year old tree totalling of 50 populations were observed their 54 morpho-agronomical characteristics in two areas (Ambon and Seram) from March to June 2018. Two aromatic cloves, namely Tuni and Zanzibar were used for comparative analysis. The results showed that Forest cloves had a similarity of 78% among the population and grouped into 3 groups with a morpho-agronomical variation of 22%. On the contrary, Forest cloves and comparators (Tuni and Zanzibar) had morpho-agronomical differences of 58%. Based on the main component analysis, there were 11 most influential characters of Forest cloves (leaf size index, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, petiole length, flower length, diameter of flower tube, ripe flower weight, fruit length, fruit width, and fruit weight) which could be descriptors for this plant species.


  • Cloves belong to the family Myrtaceae and are native plant of Indonesia, in particular the Moluccas Islands being one of their local origin (Hadipoentyanti 1997; Alfian et al 2019)

  • Fifty four morpho-agronomical characteristics obervation of Forest clove including the overall characteristic of trees, stems, branches, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds were observed referred to Pool and Bermawie (1986) and modified Tropical Fruit Descriptors (IPGRI 1980)

  • The results of morpho-agronomical characterization of Forest clove showed that the leaves of Forest clove were generally relatively long and wide, oval with dark green to greenish yellow and thicker, leaf venation more prominent, and had less clove-distinctive scents

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Cloves belong to the family Myrtaceae and are native plant of Indonesia, in particular the Moluccas Islands being one of their local origin (Hadipoentyanti 1997; Alfian et al 2019). Most of a clove is produced to meet domestic demands as raw material for cigarettes. Cloves are an important plantation in Indonesia, as a contributor to national income and state foreign exchange through cigarette excise tax. Cigarette excise tax from clove along with tobacco in 2015 has reached 139.5 trillion rupiah or 95% of total excise revenue (Ditjenbun 2017). An increasing national production of clove is needed to dealthe developing clove cigarette manufacturers. Most of the national clove production is absorbed by the clove cigarette factory and the supplied shortage is obtained through

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