
Manilkara bidentata subsp. s urinamensis (maparajuba) and Manilkara huberi (macaranduba) occur in the brazilian Amazon, between the states of Para and Amazonas, occupying upland forests and wetlands flooding. The study aimed to characterize the morphology of fruit, seed, seedlings and young plants of the two species of Manilkara . For each species were used 30 fruits, 30 seeds, 10 seedlings and 10 young plants for the morphological descriptions. The study was based on the literature and illustrated them with photos morphological characters. The fruit of both species is bacidio, estenocarpico, indehiscent, usually monospermic, when immature are green. The seed of both species is estenospermica, elliptical with forehead merged in brown tones, cartacea, hilum oblong, membranus tegmen light brown, solid endosperm, white, adnate tegmen. Germination in the species is phanerocotylar epigaeous, curved emergency, valve prefolheacao. Seedlings with cotyledons resistant, simple and alternate eophyll, concuplicate prefolheacao, peninervio and broquidodroma. Young plants with similar characterists to the seedling. Morphological characterization of fruits, seeds, germination and seedling can assist in species identification in the field, in the early stages of development. Keywords: Forest management; brazilian Amazon; Sapotaceae.

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