
The Nojima fault on the northwestern coast of Awaji Island, south of Kobe, was reactivated during the January 17, 1995 Hyogoken-nanbu earthquake. This fault rupture was dominated by right-lateral offset (max. 1.7 m) along a high-angle reverse fault which has a maximum vertical displacement of 1.3 m on the southeastern side. We repeatedly measured seven profiles across the fault scarp in two areas (Hirabayashi to the northeast and Ogura to the southwest) for approximately 1 year following the earthquake. The original profile of the fault scarp was an overhanging scarp at Hirabayashi and Ogura, corresponding to the 70–80 ° dip of the fault plane. The fault scarp at Hirabayashi displaces Plio-Pleistocene siltstones of the Osaka Group and is overlain by a thin bed of unconsolidated gravel. The Ogura area is entirely underlain by the Osaka Group. Scarp degradation at Hirabayashi occurred by collapse of the gravel bed and proceeded more quickly than at Ogura, where fault scarp degradation proceeded mainly by exfoliation of the Osaka Group siltstones. The degradation occurred at a very fast rate until March at Hirabayashi, and until June or July at Ogura. Since then, the degradation has been very slow. Our data strongly indicate that the scarp profile was initially controlled mainly by the dip of the fault plane, and scarp degradation has been primarily controlled by lithological factors. The degradation of the Nojima earthquake fault scarp proceeded much more quickly than that of normal fault scarps in the western U.S.A., where many observations of the initial stages of scarp degradation have been carried out. The extremely rapid degradation of the Nojima fault scarp in weak late Neogene siltstones might, in combination with rapid cultural modification of the landscape, explain the paucity of geomorphic scarps along the numerous active faults in Japan. This observation may also have implications for tectonic geomorphology and paleoseismicity studies in other countries characterised by weak bedrock and moderate to high rainfall regimes.

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