
People raise redwood, and mahogany will last a lifetime. In China, there have always been the sayings of “sleeping Pterocarpus indicus Willd. and sitting on Dalbergia cochinchinensi”. Among them, the health of mahogany furniture is rarely scientifically and systematically elaborated. Therefore, the active ingredients in the Pterocarpus santalinus extract were analyzed in detail by using advanced detection techniques, and it was found that 54 active ingredients were detected in the Pterocarpus santalinus extract. Mainly include alkanes, phenols, alcohols, terpenes (alkenes), and acids. In the Pterocarpus santalinus extract, the majority components of Pterocarpus santalinus are healthy and abundant; the main representative of the active ingredient were .alpha.-Bisabolol, Squalene, cedrol, Propanoic acid, 2-methyl-, 3-hydroxy-2,2,4-trimethylpentyl ester, P-Cresol, (-) - Spathulenol and Heptacosane. It also has potential application prospects in the fields of bio-energy, bio-medicine, cosmetics, skin care products, and spices. The study of the chemical composition of Pterocarpus santalinus provides a scientific basis for the development and utilization of the plant.

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