
Organotin(IV) complexes (Ph2-3 SnLn, n = 1-3) of S – benzyl – β – N –(2-hydroxyphenyl) – methylendithiocarbazate (L1), S – benzyl – β – N – (benzoylphenyl) – methylendithiocarbazate (L2), N – methyl - S – benzyl – β – N – (2-hydroxylphenylethylidene) – dithiocarbazate (L3) have been synthesized and characterized and their thermal decomposition have been studied in the temperature range 300 – 988 K in dry nitrogen using TG, DTG and DTA techniques. Mass loss at different stages of decomposition of complex indicates either SnS2 or a mixture of SnO and S. The decomposition products at different stages of decomposition were characterized by elemental analysis and IR spectra. The final solid product in each case has been identified by the tin determination, far – IR spectra, powder X – ray diffraction analysis and electron probe micro analysis (EPMA). Kinetic parameters activation energy and order of reaction for each complex have been calculated.

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