
Polyclonal autoantibodies against human GM-CSF (granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor) are a hallmark of PAP (pulmonary alveolar proteinosis) and several other reported autoimmune diseases. MB007 is a high-affinity anti-(human GM-CSF) autoantibody isolated from a patient suffering from PAP which shows only modest neutralization of GM-CSF bioactivity. We describe the first crystal structure of a cytokine-directed human IgG1λ autoantibody-binding fragment (Fab) at 1.9 Å (1 Å=0.1 nm) resolution. Its CDR3-H substantially differs from all VH7 germline IgG1 structures reported previously. We derive a reliable model of the antigen-autoantibody complex by using NMR chemical shift perturbation data in combination with computational methods. Superposition of the modelled complex structure with the human GM-CSF-GM-CSF ternary receptor complex reveals only little overlap between receptor and Fab when bound to GM-CSF. Our model provides a structural basis for understanding the mode of action of the MB007 autoantibody.

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