
The genus Elminia has had a jumbled taxonomic history, being placed among ‘old world flycatchers’ or ‘monarch flycatchers’, where it was for a long time lumped with Trochocercus. It was recently suggested that it might represent a deep clade in the large sylvioid radiation. Using one mitochondrial protein‐coding gene (ND2, 1041 bp) and one nuclear intron (myoglobin intron 2, 700 bp) DNA sequences, we obtained robust evidence for the phylogenetic placement of Elminia in the new family Stenostiridae, which is strongly supported by a synapomorphic insertion of one base in the nuclear myoglobin intron 2 sequence. Our analyses confirm the monophyly of Elminia and resolve relationships within this genus, but cannot confidently identify its sister‐taxon within the stenostirid clade. Two clades were strongly supported within the genus Elminia: one with the two fairy blue flycatchers and another with the three white‐tailed crested‐flycatchers. Within the first clade, Elminia longicauda appears non‐monophyletic but remains strongly related to E. albicauda. In the second clade, E. albiventris is sister to E. albonotata while the Dusky Crested Flycatcher (E. nigromitrata) appears in a basal position within this clade. According to our molecular dating, several geological events in western Africa and the Albertine Rift area seem to be related to the historical distribution of Elminia. Thus, the differentiation between E. albonotata and E. albiventris could be directly related to the tectonic history of these two regions. According to our molecular dating, at least one intercontinental dispersal event involving Culicicapa took place within the Stenostiridae clade at a time when the Middle East was forested.

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