
We present interferometric observations of the massive star-forming region associated with G35.2-0.74N using the Berkeley Illinois Maryland Association Array. With the aim of better understanding the outflow in this region we observed , and the 2.7 mm continuum. The and continuum emission peak close to the sources G35.2-0.74N (G35.2N) and G35MM2 and indicate a mass of ~ of circumstellar material associated with these sources. The 12CO traces a weak filament of emission coincident with the radio and infrared jet from G35.2N but the emission is dominated by an extended outflow with a NE-SW axis which has a total mass of ~13 . Each lobe of this extended outflow has a hollow shell structure and the location of these shells makes the source G35MM2 a more likely candidate for the source driving the outflow than G35.2N. The mass-velocity distribution is calculated for several parts of the outflow. Fitting these distributions with power laws some of the same break-points are seen as previously identified in the emission from the outflow. We conclude this indicates the temperature dependence of emissivity is not responsible for all the break-points seen and molecular dissociation is a more plausible explanation for their origin. We model the molecular outflow using the ZEUS-2D hydrodynamic code which we have augmented so that it can also track the composition of the gas. We find that a general hydromagnetic wind, without an enchanced, on axis, jet-like component, can reproduce the shape of the observed outflow. Models looking at the time evolution of the stellar wind indicate that the structure of the outflow is dominated by the initial wind conditions, rather than its later evolution. The models also show that scaling the density of the wind profile effects the apparent collimation of the resulting outflow. This may help explain some of the apparent differences between outflows from high mass and low mass young stars.

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