
The mutagenic effects of discharge plasma and plasma+PAW (plasma and its activated water combined) on Astragalus adsurgens Pall seeds were explored. Needle array-plate dielectric-barrier discharge plasma was used to treat A. adsurgens Pall seeds and PAW was prepared at the same time. The deionized water and the obtained PAW were used to cultivate plasma-treated seeds in groups and the survival rate of each group was counted. Results showed that the survival rate of the treated seeds of A. adsurgens Pall when cultured with deionized water was not significantly different from that of the control check (CK). The culture with PAW had an obvious lethal effect and each group reached the half-lethal dose. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and RNA-Seq analysis of seedlings in the 3 h treatment group showed that the content of ROS in the 3 d post-treatment group was significantly higher than that of the CK. Because expression of the gene with the function of scavenging superoxide free radicals was upregulated, the ROS content of seedlings on the sixth day was significantly lower than that on the third day. Plasma and plasma+PAW treatments changed a large number of gene expressions; particularly, the plasma+PAW group caused plant-growth genes to be significantly upregulated. After treatment, the seedlings of A. adsurgens Pall may grow faster and have higher nutritional value. This research is of great significance to the wider application of isoelectronic bodies and their activated water physicochemical mutagens in biological effects and breeding research.

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