
TSD276-2, a wheat genetic stock derived from the cross Agra Local/T. spelta 276 showed broad spectrum resistance against leaf rust pathogen. Genetic analysis was undertaken using F1, F2, F2:3 and BC1F1 generations derived from the cross TSD276-2/Agra Local. The results revealed a single recessive gene for leaf rust resistance, tentatively named as LrTs276-2, in TSD276-2. Molecular mapping of leaf rust resistance gene LrTs276-2 in TSD276-2 was done using SNP-based PCR and SSR markers. For Bulked Segregant Analysis (BSA), two bulks viz. resistant bulk and susceptible bulk, and the parents TSD276-2 and Agra Local were genotyped for SNPs using AFFYMETRIX 35K Wheat Breeders' AXIOM array. T. spelta 276 was also genotyped and used as a check. BSA indicated that the gene for leaf rust resistance in TSD276-2 is located on chromosome arm 1DS. Putatively linked SNPs on chromosome arm 1DS were converted into PCR-based markers. Polymorphic SSR markers on chromosome arm 1DS were also identified. Final linkage map was constructed using one SNP-based PCR and three SSR markers. The rust reaction and chromosomal location suggest that LrTs276-2 is a new leaf rust resistance gene which may be useful in broadening the genetic base of leaf rust resistance in wheat.

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