
The knowledge of the taxonomy and classification of algae (including lichenized) has recently increased rapidly, but there are still many gaps. We aimed to 1) identify the Fuscidea photobionts by locating their taxonomic positions in the green algal classification, and 2) to resolve their interspecific relationships. The lichenized algae were examined based on morphological observations of axenic isolates as well as molecular studies of 18S and ITS nrDNA sequences. Analysis of the secondary structure of the ITS2 operon complemented these investigations. We found that the Fuscidea photobionts were placed within the Trebouxiophyceae, related to Apatococcus lobatus (Chodat) J.B.Petersen. Phylogenetic analyses revealed one clade nesting free-living and lichenized Apatococcus F.Brand which comprised six different lineages in the ITS phylogeny. The lichenized alga associated with the investigated Fuscidea species, except for F. lightfootii (Sm.) Coppins & James, represents a hitherto unknown lineage within Apatococcus. Fuscidea lightfootii was lichenized with a separate lineage within Apatococcus, together with free-living members, which were already known from Genbank sequences. All retrieved groups within Apatococcus were rather different in their ITS sequences, thus most likely corresponding to different species. The most common photobiont of Fuscidea species, Apatococcus fuscideae A.Beck & Zahradn., was described as new to science.

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