
The Neurospora crassa assimilatory nitrite reductase structural gene, nit-6, has been isolated. A cDNA library was constructed from poly(A)+ RNA isolated from Neurospora mycelia in which nitrate assimilation had been induced. This cDNA was ligated into lambda ZAP II (Stratagene) and amplified. This library was then screened with a polyclonal antibody specific for nitrite reductase. A total of six positive clones were identified. Three of the six clones were found to be identical via restriction digests, restriction fragment length polymorphism mapping, Southern hybridization, and some preliminary sequencing. One of these cDNA clones (pNiR-3) was used as a probe in Northern assays and was found to hybridize to a 3.5-kb poly(A)+ RNA whose expression is nitrate inducible and glutamine repressible in wild-type mycelia. pNiR-3 was used to probe an N. crassa genomic DNA library in phage lambda J1, and many positive clones were isolated. When five of these clones were tested for their ability to transform nit-6 mutants, one clone consistently generated many wild-type transformants. The nit-6 gene has been subcloned to generate pnit-6. The nit-6 gene has been sequenced and mapped; its deduced amino acid sequence exhibits considerable levels of homology to the sequences of Aspergillus sp. and Escherichia coli nitrite reductases. Several pnit-6 transformants have been propagated as homokaryons. These strains have been assayed for the presence of multiple copies of the nit-6 gene, as well as nitrite reductase activity.

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