
The cDNA clone of ascorbate oxidase gene was isolated from non heading Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis Makino, cv. Suzhouqing) and characterized. Sequence analysis showed that there was a high similarity between this sequence (named BcAO) and its homologues in other plant spe cies. Southern blotting indicated that more than one nuclear gene encoded this enzyme in non heading Chi nese cabbage. The mRNA level of the BcAO gene in leaves was monitored by real time PCR at different devel opmental stages and under different stress conditions. Results showed that the expression of BcAO was up regulated by light, and the BcAO gene responded to copper stress as well. After inoculation with Alternaria brassicae, the expression of BcAO in the leaves was increased in general and peaked at 12 and 72 h post inoc ulation, with much higher expression at the later date. Cloning the BcAO gene will enable us to further under stand its function and would provide useful information for resistance breeding program for non heading Chinese cabbage.

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