
In this study we aimed to investigate salmonella and E.coli serovars from fecal swabs collected from apparently healthy and diarrheic dogs and cats by bacteriological examination. 150 fecal samples of dogs and cats were examined for salmonella and E.coli species. Biochemical test are done to confirm suspected colonies as VP (Voges Proskauer), MR (Methyl red), indole reaction, citrate utilization, catalase test and sugar fermentation test. Salmonella species were isolated from 40 cases out of 150 , 30 of the salmonella positive samples were from dogs (31.6%), and 10 were from cats (18.2%) while 45 samples were positive for E.coli, 25 from dogs (26.4 %) and 20 from cats (36.4 %). E.coli and salmonella positive samples were subjected to antimicrobial disc diffusion susceptibility test by using 10 different antibiotic discs. Molecular investigation was done to detect the virulent gene of salmonella (inv A) and E.coli (eae A) and antibiotic resistant gene for both salmonella and E.coli (blaTEM) using PCR.

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