
The “cbh2 activating element,” CAE, consisting of two separate boxes (ATTGG = CCAAT and GTAATA, respectively) is essential for cellobiohydrolase II gene expression in the filamentous fungus Hypcrea jecorina. Here we report that cell-free extracts from a cellulase-negative mutant form CAE–protein complexes with higher mobility and lower binding-strength compared to the wild type. EMSA analysis demonstrated an increased mobility of the GTAATA-binding protein complex and, supported by in vivo footprinting, a lowered binding strength of the HAP2/3/5 proteins. However, the hap2/hap3/hap5 genes of the mutant are unaltered and transcribed normally. A nucleotide fragment of the cbh1 promoter containing a (GG)CTAATA motif without an adjacent CCAAT box is also bound by cell-free extracts of H. jecorina, and the protein–DNA complex of the mutant shows the characteristic increase in mobility. We conclude that this mutant is defective in the functional formation of the CAE-protein complexes but not in their binding to the target sequences itself.

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