
The region around dpy-14 on chromosome 1 of Caenorhabditis elegans has been extensively studied genetically, with regard to essential gene organization. This region was one of the first for which cloned DNA was available as a result of restriction fragment length polymorphism mapping. To examine the information content of the cloned DNA in this region, evolutionarily conserved sequences were identified by cross-species hybridization. Ten regions of conservation have been identified and characterized with regard to mRNA abundance and DNA sequence. cDNAs were obtained for seven of these conserved regions and sequence from the cDNAs were used to search the SWISS protein and EMBL nucleotide data banks. Two coding regions shared DNA identifies with existing sequences, the opa repeat family of Drosophila and the S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase gene. Of the three for which no corresponding cDNA were found, one corresponds to the snRNA U1-1. The other two did not detect transcripts on Northern analysis and are either conserved, but not coding, or code for low abundance transcripts. The density of conserved coding regions in this study was one per 15 kbp of genomic DNA, three times lower than that reported on chromosome 3 by the genome sequencing project.

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