
Many countries have identified tomato mottle mosaic virus (ToMMV) as a serious threat to tomato production. Here, we constructed and characterized infectious clones of ToMMV isolated from Japanese sweet pepper seeds. The genome of the Japanese isolate is 6399 nucleotides in length and exhibits thehighest identity withpreviously characterized isolates. For example, it is 99.7% identical to that of the Mauritius isolate, which occurs worldwide. Phylogenetic analysis based on complete genome sequences revealed that the Japanese isolates clustered in the same clade as those from other countries. When homozygous tomato cultivars with tobamovirus resistance genes were inoculated with an infectious cDNA clone of ToMMV, the virus systemically infected tomato plants with symptoms typical of Tm-1-carrying tomato cultivars. In contrast, tomato cultivars carrying Tm-2 or Tm-22 showed symptoms only on the inoculated leaves. Furthermore, when commercial cultivars of Tm-22 heterozygous tomato were inoculated with ToMMV, systemic infections were observed in all cultivars, with infection frequencies ranging from 25 to 100%. Inoculation of heterozygous sweet pepper cultivars with tobamovirus resistance genes (L1, L3, and L4) with ToMMV resulted in an infection frequency of about 70%, but most of the infected L1, L3, and L4 cultivars were symptomless, and 10-20% showed symptoms of necrosis and yellowing. Tomato mosaic virus strain L11A, an attenuated virus, did not provide cross-protection against ToMMV and led to systemic infection with typical symptoms. These results suggest that ToMMV might cause extensive damage to existing tomato and sweet pepper cultivars commonly grown in Japan.

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