
Full-length clones of the genome of the Aureusvirus, Cucumber leaf spot virus (CLSV), have been constructed and infectious T7 polymerase derived synthetic transcripts have been produced. Mutational analysis of the genome indicates a role for p84 in viral RNA replication, the CP in systemic movement, p27 in viral cell-to-cell movement and p17 in symptom induction. A CLSV mutant lacking ORFs for the CP, p27 and p17 (CLSV YX) was capable of replication and systemic movement in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana plants expressing the Red clover necrotic mosaic virus (RCNMV) movement protein (MP) suggesting that p25 and p84 are sufficient for viral RNA replication and that the RCNMV MP can permit CLSV cell-to-cell as well as systemic movement. Moreover, CLSV YX induced severe necrosis in both inoculated and uninoculated leaves of transgenic plants suggesting that CLSV p25 and/or p84 are important determinants of the necrotic phenotype. Another mutant similar to CLSV YX but expressing only limited amino-terminal portions of CP, p27 and p17 failed to produce necrosis or to move systemically in RCNMV MP transgenic N. benthamiana plants. These results suggest that these short translated regions or cis-acting sequences present in the CLSV CP, p27 and/or p17 ORFs suppress the necrosis induced by p25/p84 and also suppress systemic movement mediated by the RCNMV MP.

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