
Straipsnyje kritiškai aptariamas Jeano-Paulo Sartre’o filosofinis Būties ir niekio projektas, ypač jame pateikta filosofinė žmogaus egzistencijos prasmės interpretacija. Teigiama, kad būties prasmės problema Sartre’o mintyje yra tiesiogiai susijusi su jo metafizinio pagrindo neigimu. Tam, kad būtų paaiškinta ši Sartre’o neigimo filosofinė koncepcija, siekiama aptarti jo būties ir regimybės dualizmo atmetimą. Prancūzų filosofo regimybės, niekio ir kito sąmonės neigimo ontologinė artikuliacija turi būti suprantama socialiniame politiniame pokario Europos kultūriniame kontekste. Straipsnyje trumpai aptariama ir Sartre’o skirtis tarp autentiškos ir neautentiškos egzistencijos. Išvadose teigiama, kad Sartre’o akcentuojamos nežinojimo ir radikalaus pasirinkimo sampratos nėra nei filosofiškai, nei egzistenciškai įtekančios.


  • Jean-Paul Sartre is an important figure in the 20th century philosophical movement known as existentialism where the driving question focuses on the meaning of life

  • Even if in the negative terms, Kant still relies on the dark side of the moon, on the metaphysical noumenon: if we wanted to apply the categories to objects that are not regarded as appearances, we would have to lay at the basis an intuition other than the sensible one; and the object would be a noumenon in the positive signification

  • Sartre’s thesis was influenced by the negation of metaphysical basis, on the one hand, and of the given historic context and circumstances, on the other hand

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The Origins of the Question of the Meaning of Life

Jean-Paul Sartre is an important figure in the 20th century philosophical movement known as existentialism where the driving question focuses on the meaning of life. According to Husserl, such synthesis is possible after performing an eidetic reduction on the basis of which one can get closer to the passive activity of consciousness, which in turn allows the appearance of various phenomena to manifest to the consciousness in their inherent form as well Sartre indicates that such attempts by Husserl to link noesis and noema is an introduction of yet another type of dualism. Since consciousness in this respect is free of objective content, nothingness is its limit and arises out of freedom Due to this reason, there exists the insurmountable separation between consciousness and that which Sartre calls being in-itself (l’etre-ensoi).consciousness projects its essential structure and shapes the being foritself (l’etre-pour-soi). It is against this historical background that we have to interpret Sartre’s understanding of the Other

The Other as the Death of My Possibilities and Freedom
Individual Existence as Absence of Meaning
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