
The modulation of the local structure and dynamics of domain III of annexin 2 (Anx2), in both the monomeric (p36) and heterotetrameric forms (p90), by calcium and by membrane binding was studied by time-resolved fluorescence intensity and anisotropy measurements of the single tryptophan residue (W212). The results yield the same dominant excited-state lifetime (1.4 ns) in both p36 and p90, suggesting that the conformation and environment of W212 are very similar. The fluorescence anisotropy decay data were analyzed by associative (two-dimensional) as well as nonassociative (one-dimensional) models. Although no statistical criterion is decisive for one model versus the other, only the associative model allows recovery of a physically relevant value of the Brownian rotational correlation of the protein. Using the associative model, a nanosecond flexibility is detectable in p90 but not in p36. When Ca(2+) binds in the millimolar concentration range to both forms of Anx2, a conformational change takes place leading to an increase of the major excited-state lifetime (2.6 ns) and to a suppression of the W212 local flexibility of p90. Binding to membranes of either p36 or p90 in the presence of Ca(2+) does not induce any conformational change other than that provoked by Ca(2+) binding alone. The W212 local flexibility in both proteins increases significantly, however, in their membrane-bound forms. In the presence of membranes, the conformation change of domain III in p90 displays a sensitivity to Ca(2+) 2 orders of magnitude higher than that of p36, reaching intracellular sub-micromolar concentration ranges. This higher Ca(2+) sensitivity correlates with the Ca(2+)-dependent membrane aggregation but not with their Ca(2+)-dependent binding to membranes. The significance of these structural and dynamical changes for the function of the protein is discussed.

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