
Some charged multivesicular body protein 2B (CHMP2B) mutations are associated with autosomal-dominant neurodegenerative frontotemporal dementia and/or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis type 7 (FTDALS7). The main aim of this study is to clarify the relationship between the expression of mutated CHMP2B protein displaying FTD symptoms and defective neuronal differentiation. First, we illustrate that the expression of CHMP2B with the Asp148Tyr (D148Y) mutation, which preferentially displays FTD phenotypes, blunts neurite process elongation in rat primary cortical neurons. Similar results were observed in the N1E-115 cell line, a model that undergoes neurite elongation. Second, these effects were also accompanied by changes in neuronal differentiation marker protein expression. Third, wild-type CHMP2B protein was indeed localized in the endosomal sorting complexes required to transport (ESCRT)-like structures throughout the cytoplasm. In contrast, CHMP2B with the D148Y mutation exhibited aggregation-like structures and accumulated in the Golgi body. Fourth, among currently known Golgi stress regulators, the expression levels of Hsp47, which has protective effects on the Golgi body, were decreased in cells expressing CHMP2B with the D148Y mutation. Fifth, Arf4, another Golgi stress-signaling molecule, was increased in mutant-expressing cells. Finally, when transfecting Hsp47 or knocking down Arf4 with small interfering (si)RNA, cellular phenotypes in mutant-expressing cells were recovered. These results suggest that CHMP2B with the D148Y mutation, acting through Golgi stress signaling, is negatively involved in the regulation of neuronal cell morphological differentiation, providing evidence that a molecule controlling Golgi stress may be one of the potential FTD therapeutic targets at the molecular and cellular levels.

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