
To report a modified procedure for perineal urethrostomy (PU) in goats. Case series. Adult castrated male pet goats (n = 11) that had recurrence of urinary tract obstruction after one or more surgical procedures for obstructive urolithiasis. Medical records (May 2008-February 2011) of goats that had a modified proximal PU were reviewed for history, signalment, and intraoperative and postoperative complications. Follow up was obtained through clinical examination or by telephone interview of owners or referring veterinarians. Ten goats survived to discharge. Postoperative complications included hemorrhage (n = 7), misdirected urine stream (3), obstructive urolithiasis (2), and bladder atony, dysuria, dehiscence, or delayed healing (1 each). One goat died acutely 15 hours after surgery from peritonitis, pleuritis, hemorrhagic cystitis, and hepatic lipidosis, and 1 goat was euthanatized 14 months after surgery because of renal failure and persistent cystitis. Urethrostomy sites were patent and functional in 9 goats available for long-term follow-up (>12 months). Transection of penile body attachments from the pelvis and careful mucocutaneous apposition may decrease the risk of postoperative urethral stricture formation in goats after PU. Hemorrhage is common after the procedure but does not affect clinical outcome.

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