
The project “Modern ICT tools in science and economic disciplines and their presentation” (ICTEDUCA) takes place in the period between June 2009 and June 2012. The project was aimed at improving the quality of the study programmes of the physics teacher training by means of using information and communication technologies (ICT) in physics teaching and show relations between subjects. Some surveys in the Czech Republic show that physics is negatively evaluated by students in primary and secondary schools. In this article it is described some possibilities how to popularize in physics and science education using modern tools. The first part this article describes a searching interdisciplinary relation, which has an assignment to show connections between physics phenomena and human body. In the second part is introduced a voting system, through the teachers improve students in their lessons. The last part of the article attend to remote control experiments, which students, experimenters, teachers or any users can control all our experiments from its personal computer through the Internet from the website http://www.ictphysics.upol.cz/remotelab/. Key words: biology teaching, ICT, interdisciplinary relations, physics teaching, remote experiment, voting system.

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