
The research examines the problem of the impact of health and recreational physical activity on the body of the elderly by means of fitness. It is established that regular physical activity, clearly dosed and carefully selected by means, methods and interests, increases the level of efficiency, motor training, morphofunctional state of the elderly. The purpose of the study - based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature to substantiate the theoretical and methodological support of health and recreational motor activity and to identify its impact on the body of the elderly. Research methods: theoretical analysis of special scientific and methodical literature, documentary materials, abstraction, logical-theoretical analysis, method of synthesis, method of systematization. Results. It is determined that physical activity is the first factor of longevity, prolongation of life expectancy. Health and recreational motor activity improve well-being, delay the aging of the body due to organized activities, improve the functional and psychophysiological state of the body. During the scientific research the peculiarities of the influence of health and recreational physical activity on the body of the elderly were singled out. The positive effect of dosed classes of health and recreational motor activity can be traced to all the main functions of the aging organism. The main tasks of using the means of health and recreational physical activity in old age are identified. In the course of the research, the basic rules that should be followed during health fitness training with the elderly are highlighted.


  • The research examines the problem of the impact of health and recreational physical activity on the body of the elderly by means of fitness

  • 12 Andreeva Olena Factors which determine the involvement of elderly people to healt hand recreational physical activity / Olena Andreeva, Anna Hakman, Larissa Balatska. – Trends and perspectives in physical culture and sports: The VIth Edition international scientific conference (Suceava, 26-27th of May 2016). – Suceava: University «Ştefancel Mare». – Р. 41-46

  • Osoblyvosti upravlinnia rekreatsiino-ozdorovchoi diialnosti liudei pokhyloho viku v umovakh fitnesklubu

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У науковому дослідженні розглядається проблема впливу оздоровчо-рекреаційної рухової активності на організм людей похилого віку засобами фітнес-занять. Під час наукового дослідження виокремлено особливості впливу занять оздоровчорекреаційної рухової активності на організм осіб похилого віку. Означено основні завдання використання засобів оздоровчо-рекреаційної рухової активності в похилому віці. The research examines the problem of the impact of health and recreational physical activity on the body of the elderly by means of fitness.

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