
The recent scientific researches provide evidence of the important role of microbiota for human health. The microbiome is a very complex system, that exists in an equilibrium state and performs multiple functions. The intestinal microflora is disturbed under the influence of iatrogenic factors, and products of microbial origin are used to correct this. The first group of such drugs include probiotics. Their positive effect is associated with immunological and non‑immunological effects. The results of many studies proved the positive effects of probiotics in clinical practice, however publications of recent years outline their low effectiveness and transient nature of the effect, even with prolonged use. Another group of preparations refers to prebiotics, which selectively stimulate the growth of colon microflora. A combination of probiotics and prebiotics, called synbiotics, also in use. Currently, much attention is paid to metabiotics. This group includes various low molecular weight molecules with various chemical manifestations. The components of metabiotics are cellular elements, metabolites and signaling molecules of probiotic cultures. Metabiotics provide the optimal conditions of homeostasis in the contact zone, which are necessary for the normal interaction of the epithelium and microflora, as well as directly affect the physiological functions and biochemical reactions of the macroorganism. The antibacterial properties of metabiotics allow to fight pathogenic and opportunistic flora, without affecting the beneficial microorganisms of the intestine. Creation of targeted metabiotics is a novel promising direction in this area. The possibility of creating a programmed metabiotic drug is considered, depending on the type of disorders of the intestinal microbiocenosis and the peculiarities of the life of specific pathogenic or opportunistic strains.

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