
Ecologia Austral, 24:111-117 (2014) Nothofagus antarctica (nire) occupies a significant fraction of the Southern Patagonian forests and are often used as silvopastoral systems. It lacks, however the information to make optimal and sustainable use of these systems. In this work we modeled the production of dry matter (DM) and the variation in the concentration of crude protein (CP) of grasses in silvopastoral systems in nire forests, considering environmental variables (air and soil temperature, air humidity, soil moisture, site quality, crown cover, including) and applying existing and own information. The model was focused on the scale of stand considering a homogeneous and coeval population of nire under conditions of southern Patagonia (Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego). Model sensitivity analysis showed that the most important parameter were the stand site quality on DM and the soil temperature on the CP. We found a significant lineal correlation for DM (R=0.52; P <0.001, average underestimation 22%) and CP (R=0.47; P <0.001, average overestimation 24%) when real and estimated values from the model were compared. The results of the simulations were coherent with empirical data in regard to the environmental variables and management of the stand affecting DM and CP of the understory, and suggest that the model is acceptable for use as a guiding tool in the management of understory grasses in nire forests.


  • Simulation model of dry matter production and crude protein concentration of grasses growing in Nothofagus antarctica

  • In this work we modeled the production of dry matter (DM) and the variation in the concentration of crude protein (CP) of grasses in silvopastoral systems in ñire forests, considering environmental variables and applying existing and own information

  • The model was focused on the scale of stand considering a homogeneous and coeval population of ñire under conditions of southern Patagonia (Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego)

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Área de estudio

El área de influencia de este trabajo incluye los bosques de ñire de Patagonia sur (Santa Cruz y Tierra del Fuego), que cubren una superficie aproximada de 400000 ha. Un 70% de esta superficie tiene uso silvopastoril (Peri & Ormaechea 2013; Collado 2009). En Santa Cruz, más de 80% de estos bosques ocupa la porción sudoeste de la provincia en terrenos con pendientes menores a 5°, en el ecotono entre el bosque de lenga (Nothofagus pumilio) y la estepa (Peri & Ormaechea 2013). Similarmente en Tierra del Fuego, los bosques de ñire se ubican en su mayoría en la parte centro-Norte de la isla, en el límite con la estepa, en condiciones ambientales parecidas a las de Santa Cruz (Collado 2009)

Desarrollo del modelo
Prueba del modelo
Conceptualización del modelo
Componentes del modelo y parametrización de sus relaciones
Santa Cruz
PB Potencial
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