
Today, mercury is regarded as one of the most harmful substances for the environment. Therefore, legislation is setting increasingly strict flue gas emission limits. Since not in all existing incineration plants special concepts of mercury removal have been foreseen, problems to meet new low emission limit values may rise. Adsorbent injection is one way to reduce the mercury concentration of the flue gas which can in existing plants be installed upstream of the particle removal device. This paper presents a model for the mercury removal in the dust laden flue gas upstream of an electrostatic precipitator. After the investigation of different adsorbents in a laboratory test facility, the adsorption parameters are calculated and the model is used to show the influence of the governing parameters on the adsorption process and to simulate the efficiency of mercury capture in an existing sewage sludge incineration plant. The mercury removal with the fly ash as an adsorbent is simulated and compared with measurements obtained in an industrial plant.

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