
The intense use of farming land has caused many consequences to the environment, among them, water erosion. The scale study of river basins through modeling allows the identification and estimation of soil losses, aiming at the conservationist planning of the site. The objective of this work was to predict soil loss in the Micaela sub-basin, with an area of ??37 km2 located in the municipality of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. For the prediction of soil loss, the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) was used. Erosivity was obtained from data from the literature and erodibility was estimated by means of the inherent soil attributes and the topographic factor calculated according to the accumulated flow and declivity in each pixel. For the cover factor, data from the literature were used, according to use recommendation and existing soil cover. The study area shows a strong erosivity, which ranged from 8,045 to 8,833 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 year-1. The Argissolos occupy 81.31% of the sub-basin and present high erodibility, varying from 0.0369 to 0.0422 Mg ha h ha-1 MJ-1 mm -1. The sites with the largest vegetation cover were those with the lowest soil losses. However, in more than 36% of the area, the soil losses are above the tolerable therehsold, indicating that they are more prone to degradation and, therefore, the systems of land use and adopted management should be reviewed.

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