
The logistic model has been used extensively to describe crop response to applied nutrients and water availability. It contains three parameters that can be estimated from data by regression analysis. One of the parameters refers to the reference state of the system, either at zero applied nitrogen (N) or applied N to reach 50% of maximum yield (N 1/2). A negative value of N 1/2 indicates that the soil already contains more than enough N to reach 50% of maximum yield. In the present analysis, data from a field study at Watkinsville, Georgia, which measured response of corn [Zea mays (L.) Pers.] to applied N following plowunder of grass sod is used to verify this point. It was found that N 1/2 shifted from –50 kg ha−1 in the first year to +25 kg ha−1 after several years. Availability of N from decaying vegetation declined exponentially with time. The time constant for decomposition and nitrification was 2 years. Total amount of N released from the vegetation was estimated as 190 kg ha−1.

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