
On the basis of theoretical principles of the theory of degradation, equations of the energy distribution of behavior of object over time are obtained. These equations formed the basis of the simplest models of the behavior of object. The paper considers the analysis of models obtained on a time scale. The issues of transformation of the object diagram with aging and repeated loading are considered. Based on the study of experimental data using the provisions of the theory of degradation, a curve of a decrease in the power of object in time was obtained. The theory of degradation made it possible to reveal the presence of potential difference of the operation of object for each point of the diagram of its work. Considering the interaction of potentials described by tangential and secant modules, a conflict of modules is revealed. An analysis of the conflict of the modules made it possible to evaluate the distribution of energy of object at any stage of its loading. The analysis is performed on the example of an object - concrete. For example, the theoretical values of limiting deformations of standard concrete under prolonged loading are obtained.

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