
This paper models a point-mass load tethered to a single autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) and proposes a quantitative control strategy, which is able to drive the load to track the desired trajectory closely. The AUV-tow-load system is modeled as three connected subsystems: load position subsystem, cable direction subsystem, and AUV attitude subsystem. Improving on the current prescribed performance control methods, where the transient-state and steady-state tracking behaviors cannot be preassigned accurately, a quantitative controller is designed for the point-mass load position, achieving predefined tracking performance without violating user-defined quantitative indices including overshoot, convergence time, and steady-state accuracy. An uncertainties and disturbances estimator (UDE) is designed and incorporated into the control inputs to compensate for the effects of uncertain dynamics and external disturbances. Rigorous theoretical proof is presented, showing that all tracking errors converge to the neighborhood of zero with quantitatively designed tracking behaviors, obtaining uniformly ultimately boundedness. Simulation results are provided to validate the efficiency of the proposed method.

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