
Silicon thin films over a glass substrate has been considerate an economical and viable alternative for the photovoltaic industry. Implementation of this technology will contribute to preserve a clean environment helping to reach a sustainable future. Nevertheless, by their own nature, Silicon thin films present small light absorption, and its electrical energy conversion mechanisms, besides their non ideal character, are not completely understood. The inclusions of metal nanoparticles in semiconductors can modify and improve the light absorption properties of these materials by surface plasmon interaction. It is well known that metal nanoparticles, deposited on the surface of Si-Solar cells, improve considerable the efficiency of the cell and it has been shown that there is a strong correlation between the surface plasmon excitation frequency and that of the exciting light. To study the light interactions on such material, we have developed a theoretical model that takes into account the incorporation of metallic nano-particles over Silicon thin films. We have obtained an analytical expression for the effective permittivity of the Semiconductor/Nano-particle system, ϵeff using this result we have analyzed the light absorption process in the case of Silicon with two types of metallic inclusions.

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