
This model study describes the electrotonic response of a cable model of cardiac tissue stimulated at one point. The stimulus is applied intracellularly in the form of a 2 ms pulse of current of near threshold amplitude. The attenuation of the electrotonic potential with distance and its mode of propagation along the cable are compared for equivalent passive, continuous and discontinuous cables. The three structures have the same basic physical and electrical characteristic and they differ either with respect to being active or passive or to the presence or absence of intercellular gap junctions. In the continuous cable a just subthreshold stimulus produces a local active response which propagates more slowly and is attenuated less rapidly with distance than in a passive cable. The spatial decrement of the local response in a discontinuous cable is faster than in a continuous cable of equal average resistivity. It is suggested that the larger time constant of the foot of the action potential observed in the longitudinal direction in cardiac muscle could be due in part to the electrotonic spread of the local response from the site of stimulation.

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