
The main focus of our paper is to compare the performance of different model selection criteria used for multivariate reduced rank time series. We consider one of the most commonly used reduced rank model, that is, the reduced rank vector autoregression (RRVAR (p, r)) introduced by Velu et al. [Reduced rank models for multiple time series. Biometrika. 1986;7(31):105–118]. In our study, the most popular model selection criteria are included. The criteria are divided into two groups, that is, simultaneous selection and two-step selection criteria, accordingly. Methods from the former group select both an autoregressive order p and a rank r simultaneously, while in the case of two-step criteria, first an optimal order p is chosen (using model selection criteria intended for the unrestricted VAR model) and then an optimal rank r of coefficient matrices is selected (e.g. by means of sequential testing). Considered model selection criteria include well-known information criteria (such as Akaike information criterion, Schwarz criterion, Hannan–Quinn criterion, etc.) as well as widely used sequential tests (e.g. the Bartlett test) and the bootstrap method. An extensive simulation study is carried out in order to investigate the efficiency of all model selection criteria included in our study. The analysis takes into account 34 methods, including 6 simultaneous methods and 28 two-step approaches, accordingly. In order to carefully analyse how different factors affect performance of model selection criteria, we consider over 150 simulation settings. In particular, we investigate the influence of the following factors: time series dimension, different covariance structure, different level of correlation among components and different level of noise (variance). Moreover, we analyse the prediction accuracy concerned with the application of the RRVAR model and compare it with results obtained for the unrestricted vector autoregression. In this paper, we also present a real data application of model selection criteria for the RRVAR model using the Polish macroeconomic time series data observed in the period 1997–2007.

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