
The relativistic pulsar winds are forming the pulsar wind nebulae (PWN) — the unique extended sources of non-thermal radiation detected in all bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. High angular resolution imaging of the PWN with modern orbital and ground-based telescopes makes possible to study the highly non-equilibrium processes in the pulsar wind plasma. Physical interpretation of the observed dynamic structures in the nebulae requires modeling of the relativistic pulsar wind. The main mechanism of emission of the magnetized relativistic pair plasma in the PWN is the synchrotron radiation, and the observed dynamical structures may be related with a propagation of perturbations of the magnetic field. A kinetic approach to highly non-equilibrium relativistic pair plasma allows us to evaluate the structure of the perturbation of the magnetic field propagating transverse to the mean quasi-stationary magnetic field. We present synchrotron images with the dynamic structures in the PWN simulated in the relativistic pair plasma with the strong scattering of pairs by the stochastic magnetic field fluctuation.

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