
The phenomenon of increased juvenile delinquency and decreased character quality of students were the reason for strengthening the function of education as character building, it used as the basis urgent demand for the implementation of the Character Building Strengthening program through the implementation of the main values (religious, nationalist, independent, mutual cooperation and integration), and in this study, the most fundamental value was the value of religious character. Therefore, as an effort to build a superior generation of national civilization in intellectual terms, spiritual, emotional balance with human nature, it was necessary to have religious character education for students with the achievements of Moral Knowing, Moral Feeling, and Moral Doing. This study aims to analyze the model of religious character education in MAN 1 Lebong, a State-owned Aliyah Madrasa or Islamic school. This study used qualitative methods, conducted in the 2019/2020 Academic Year. It has done by describing what programs, how to implemented, and how were the model of religious character education in MAN 1 Lebong. Sources of data were the head master of Madrasah, Teachers (who get additional assignments as Deputy Heads, Subject Teachers, and Counseling Guidance Teachers) and students. Data collection used observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis methods consist of data reduction, data presentation, conclusion, and verification. The results showed that the religious character education model in MAN 1 Lebong had not been effective, most students were at the stages of moral knowing, and moral feeling, but the achievement of moral doing was not fully implemented by students.

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